Understand that a stock loan from SCG is an easy process to complete that gives you much needed and desired liquidity “cash” for you to utilize for any legal purpose you desire! Many of our clients put to work the cash we give them to multiply it many times over, which makes them a fortune.
Your new stock loan from SCG provides you with a hedge against market volatility which offers safety and protection, your stock loan from SCG is a low fixed interest, simple interest-only loan vehicle. SCG’s fixed interest loan gives you peace of mind knowing that your interest payments cannot accelerate upwards suddenly causing you financial hardship or creating interest risk as other products can do.
You will also realize new levels of safety in your wealth as your new stock loan from SCG is a non-recourse product, so you won’t be held personally liable for the loan obligation. The key benefit to you is that you can walk away at any time without any further obligation.
You will enjoy the additional security of your new stock loan from SCG because it is a non-title transfer solution, meeting the exact needs of our global clients who demand the best product and legal compliance globally, with your new stock loan from SCG you get a simple and powerful transaction designed to provide you with liquidity while retaining access to potential asset appreciation and dividends!
You will enjoy a professional, simple, fast, easy process to get you access to instant large amounts of cash!
To start the easy stock loan process, you will meet with one of our loan professionals across the world in a video meeting. We have the largest global team in the industry of highly trained professionals. Eligible securities include blue chip stocks to penny stocks. We lend against free trading securities traded on most domestic and foreign exchanges. During this meeting, we will assess your needs to ensure our product is the correct fit and conduct an initial qualification as to the suitability of your request.
Provided this first meeting is successful, we will advance forward. Understand that SCG’s non-recourse loan product does not require credit check or financials to advance to a term sheet request, so we can generally provide a positive decision in 24 to 72 hours! Next your request will be submitted to underwriting for loan terms from the SCG underwriting team. Our underwriting and credit committee is within SCG, and we do not have to get approvals outside, this means we can commit to you quickly.
Our most common request is a 3-year term with 5-year grace period, but we can go all the way out to 10 years fixed too upon request. During underwriting your loan request, SCG will analyze your collateral and then will provide a term sheet back to the international Account Executive for review with you. Next you approve the terms.
After the approval of the terms, we will have drafted up loan documents, at no cost to you, for your final approval. After you approve the loan documents, SCG will assist you in opening your collateral custodian account in your personal or entity name, where pledge shares will be placed, the neutral custodian acts as an escrow agent between you and SCG, to insure you are protected throughout the entire loan process from start to end. You should never have to take a leap of faith as others in our business require you to do. Borrowers who make a leap of faith with others usually get harmed. Business is business, when it comes to money it should be an exact process that protects you the borrower always is SCG’s philosophy. Every step of the way you as a borrower are in control, which makes our borrowers feel secure and know they are working with a safe lender.
The Final step is the Lender (SCG) presents you with a closing statement of the exact amount of proceeds for your final approval. Once you approve the closing statement, SCG sends your loan proceeds directly into your custodian account, in your/entity name you established, for you to wire loan proceeds to whatever bank account you want immediately.
You then easily make quarterly interest only payments until repayment of the loan and repatriation of the securities. Simple precise process we have been doing since 2007 for borrowers across the world like you. Take your next step today to get access to the money you want to fulfill your dreams and goals!